ELYSTA is...
Yearning for
Togetherness and
To enhance self esteem, family values and character in both men and women of all ages. Through encouragement and positive re-enforcement, we equip individuals with the tools to exuberate confidence, etiquette, and empowerment! Our goal is to develop these characteristics through the art of fashion tapping into internal gifts that yield eternal rewards!
Our vision is for a group of young adults who are educated, eloquent and empowered. Our mission is therefore to ensure that they have practical tools for accomplishing these visionary ends. We do this work by convening, engaging, mobilizing and supporting each individual, to ensure we all have the means to be self reliant and accountable.
ELYSTA Foundation has been assisting young people and families for several years. Whether monetary donations based on need, tuition assistance for graduating high school seniors or adopting families at Christmas. ELYSTA Foundation knows the importance of giving back to others to fulfill a need for an individual and for the community as a whole.
With the assistance of sponsors, friends and families who have received assistance from ELYSTA Foundation, ELYSTA continues to be an additional resource to the community. Reaching beyond the Cleveland and Akron area but also assisting families in South Carolina, North Carolina, California and Georgia.
Motherless Son's
Through the ELYSTA’s Motherless sons charity, ELYSTA foundation has assisted with Christmas, Back to School and Summer needs to two very special little boys who each lost their mother and are being raised by other family members.
Healthy Living
Want to lose weight and start your healthy journey?
Try Herbalife- lose weight in just 3 days with the 3 day trail pack.
Mary Campbell Nir Scholarship Fund
Through the Mary Campbell Nir (MCN) Scholarship Award, ELYSTA Foundation donates $1,000.00/year to qualifying Juniors and Seniors in High School in need of financial assistance with college applications.
Do It Afraid Swim Program
Are you an Adult that's afraid to learn to Swim?
ELYSTA Foundation & Rhythm and Stroke LLC proudly present their new FREE program for individuals who are fearful of the water which is preventing them to learn to swim.
The ' DO IT AFRAID' program is for non-swimmers who are interested in Conquering their fears of the water in an effort to learn the fundamentals of swimming!
ELYSTA Consulting provides Healthcare Technology services for hospitals throughout the US and Abroad
ELYSTA Consulting also has "out of the box" services for those who need assistance with developing their business ideas or turning their talents into a business model.

Kimberly Brown
Fashion Show Producer, Runway Coach, Writer, Motivational Speaker and Professor from Cleveland, OH. Always an extrovert personality, from a young age, Kim never meets a stranger. Her bubbly personality is contagious and serves as a natural motivating factor for herself and those around her. From an early age, Kim has led many speaking engagements throughout Cleveland and serves as a role model for her peers and others. After graduation from The University of Pittsburgh, Kim returned to Cleveland and noticed an extreme need for mentors with the young girls. She was privileged to come from a family whose installation of self confidence was second nature, so in 2001 she founded ELYSTA, Empowered Ladies Yearning for Spirituality, Togetherness and Achievement. ELYSTA enhancing self esteem, family values and character, equips individuals with the tools to boost morale, encourages confidence and etiquette, and empowers excellence! E.L.Y.S.T.A. has discovered that one way to develop these characteristics is through fashion!
It is amazing to watch as a shy young individual breaks through their barriers and walk a runway with a renewed confidence. Tapping into internal gifts, yielding eternal rewards!
Kim has a M.S. in Health Administration from The University of Phoenix and a B.A. in Africana Studies from The University of Pittsburgh. She has produced over eight fashion shows and worked with over 200 models of all ages. Her shows have grown from an audience of 40 to an audience of 800. She recently published “ELYSTA, tools of Empowerment”, a pamphlet filled with literary quotes and poems ranging from community members to well known authors, like Maya Angelou. She also published her 1st coloring book, “ELYSTA’s Early Empowerment”, to teach children from early ages about self esteem and how special they are. She teaches at Cuyahoga Community College and just opened her own Modeling and Training Institute where she teaches the basics of modeling while boosting self esteem. Fashionably Favored with Couture Confidence!